Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Anuther Godly Meme

Feral Muther has tagged me for a meme, and I'm duty-bound te complete it, despite the rigorous angelic schedule that usually keeps me from postin' te this humble blog.

My hates? I hate no-one, o' course. As one o' God's devoted servants, I love all people, no matter how great their sins. I don't hate ye, sinners. But I am duty-bound te hate yer sins.

So here are me most hated sins. Fer those of ye versed in the traditions of the Christian church, my choices may seem a wee bit lackin' in originality. Well, then, te hell with ye. I'm an angel o' god. What did ye expect?

The Top Hates O' the Angel O' God:

1. Avaritia (Avarice, better known as greed)
2. Luxuria (Originally extravagance, later lust. I'm goin' with the original meanin')
3. Invidia (Envy)
4. Gula (Gluttony)
5. Ira (Wrath)
6. Acedia (Sloth)
7. Superbia (Hubris, better known as pride)

That's me list. I'm off to reveal my angelic nature to one of God's strugglin' children, so I've no time to elaborate now. I'll return later to offer greater detail. (Though in the Heavenly scheme of things, "later" may be in the time of yer wee grandchildren. Don't hold yer breath: it's a sin.)

Monday, May 29, 2006

God Made the Summer

Summer is almost here, children, and God wants ye te remember a few things:

1. Wear yer sunscreen, especially if ye're one of His melanin-challenged children.
2. Brush the sand off yer feet before ye come into the house.
3. Don't werk too hard, unless ye're a farmer. Farmers, sow and reap and gather the fruits of God's earth. Ye'll have all winter te relax (unless ye're an agribusiness giant, in which case ye'll have an eternity in a burning pit te relax).
4. Visit the lovely and hospitable Isle of Erin. Perhaps ye've seen that new ad campaign fer Irish tourism? God wants ye te know he's behind it.
5. Read some good books. God recommends Gilead by Maryilynne Robinson.

God bless!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A Godly Meme

God wants me te fulfill me duties as one who has been tagged, so I'm completin' this meme in the name of our lord. A list o' fours about me humble, angelic self:

Four jobs I've had:
1. Angel o' God
2. Dairy maid in a pastoral West Ireland hamlet
3. Nurse-practitioner at a free clinic fer women in Narth Dublin
4. Waitress at T.G.I.Friday's

Four movies I kin watch over and over:
1. It's a Wunderful Life
2. Angels in the Outfield
3. The Ten Commandments
4. Babe, Pig in the City

Four places I’ve lived:
1. Heaven
2. Limbo (one semester internship)
3. A pastoral West Ireland hamlet
4. Dublin

Four places I’ve been on vacation:
1. Door County, Wisconsin
2. The Hebrides
3. London, Ontario
4. Hell (cheap and underrated, but i wouldn't want te live there)

Four websites I visit daily:

1. The Holy See

2. Touched by an Angel

3. Not Proud

4. The New York Times

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Icicles
2. Angel Food Cake
3. Salt 'n' Vinegar crisps
4. Manna

Places I’d rather be:
1. Fishin'
2. Spreadin' the word o' God while smilin' beatifically
3. At a rave, blissed out on X
4. Brunch at Deepak Chopra's place

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

God Loves Ye

God loves ye. God wants ye to read Gone Feral.